Asaf Bartov (ijon) wrote,
Asaf Bartov

Invitation to a Greek Literature Reading Group


As some of you know, I've been hosting a bi-weekly reading group for the past two years or so, reading Homer's Iliad in translation (to Hebrew). We read the work together and discuss it, with me bringing some additional insights drawn from classical criticism and from modern classicist works.

Having recently finished the Iliad, we're taking a break from the epic (before starting the Odyssey), to read some Greek drama -- we shall read one tragedy each from the three great tragedians (Agamemnon by Aeschylus, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, and Medea by Euripides), and one or two comedies by Aristophanes (I haven't decided which yet, but the poets' contest from The Frogs is definitely in).

Since this is a good time to invite new members into our group, I write this post to invite you. We meet on Thursdays every other week (alternating with my Latin study group), for about three hours, and aside from getting your own text (readily available; group purchase an option), there are no requirements. I feel silly having to say this, but since it's been asked the last time I've made such an invitation: participation is free of charge; this is a hobby of mine.

Our next session is tonight (eh, sorry for the short notice!) at 19:30, at Rambam 77b Ra'anana (Bartov residence), consisting of final comments on the Iliad, and an introduction to tragedy. This would be an unusual meeting, in that we won't be reading actual texts, but we shall be reading Agamemnon starting next time.

If you're interested in joining the group, or just coming tonight to hear about tragedy, please contact me, by e-mail or at 052-3593996. Thanks.

update:changed venue! see here.

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