- Carmel, a magazine of poetry, winter 2003 (issues 5-6), Carmel Publishing. A decent poetry magazine; this issue features a translation by Sonis the Incomparable (aka
antinous) of Eliot’s “The Hippopotamus”, including commentary that sneaks a whole other translation in, this one of a poem by Gautier, and the infuriatingly witty title “Eliot’s Hippotexts”.
- Modernism’s Manifests, ed. Benjamin Harshav (blame him for the English title; he seems to objectify Modernism, and to pluralize manifesto as ‘manifests’), Carmel Publishing and TAU Press. It’s a lovely anthology of manifestos, from Futurism through Acmeism and Dadaism to a whole other set of isms. Fun stuff. Dr. Gluzman read from this book in class, and I decided “It must be mine!”
- The Iron Heel, by Jack London, Carmel Publishing. Generally, I much prefer reading English literature in English; at some point I was offered a free book with some purchases, but the selection was limited. This was the only book offered that I would want to read at all, so I took it. Does any of you London fans (I know you’re out there) know the book?
- Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften, by Robert Musil, trans. by Avraham Carmel, Schocken Publishing. I said I didn’t reach the Schocken booth last time, didn’t I?
- Sklepy Cynamonowe and Sanatorium Pod Klepsydra [two collections of short stories], by Bruno Schulz, translated by Uri Orlev, Rachel Kleiman(sp?), and Yoram Bronowski, Schocken Publishing. I’ve been meaning to get to know Schulz for a while now.
- Fragments d’un Discours Amoureux, by Roland Barthes, trans. by Aviva Barak, Schocken Publishing. Dr. Gluzman, who introduced me to Barthes in general, mentioned this strange book, and piqued my interest enough to give it a shot.
- L’esperimento di Pott, by Pitigrilli, trans. by Arno Baehr, Schocken Publishing. This one I bought based on good reviews and an obscure personal connection too silly to explain.
- The Bacchae, Hecuba, and Heracles, by Euripides, trans. by Aharon Shabtai, Schocken Publishing. three plays I haven't had in Hebrew before. Shabtai's editions offer plenty of commentary and very lively Hebrew. I want these as translation inspiration no less than for their content. I loved Shabtai's translation of Medea.
- Rega’im vol. 1, by Nathan Alterman, Hakibutz Hameuchad. Early columns by Alterman. I found vol. 2 in last year’s book fair, and this one is, I think, the only Alterman my collection is missing. I’m probably wrong.
- Bible Now, by Meir Shalev, Schocken Publishing. I’ve mentioned recently how I’d like to be able to talk about the Bible like Meir Shalev does. I just love his stuff, especially his witty and humanistic outlook on the Hebrew Bible. And now
antinous can have his copy back :)
- Back to Focus: Studies in Modern Hebrew Fiction, by Dan Miron, Schocken. This one’s from 1979, and deals with Berdichevski, Gnessin, Brenner, and others. These first three are authors whose works I’m publishing these days in Project Ben-Yehuda, and I’m interested in learning more about them. It was offered for some 15 NIS (less than $4), and Miron is one of the top living critics and scholars of Hebrew literature, so I took it. Dunno when I’ll find the time, though…
- Studies in Hebrew Morphology [4 vols meant for guided self-study], by Ora Schwarzwald, Open University Press. Alas, evil
hattie dragged me to the Open U. booth, where I originally had no intent on going… But I’m rather uncomfortable with the state of my Hebrew, and am determined to study it seriously, by myself if I have to. These books would take me a long way.
- Lashemesh, Monographs and Articles on a Crown of Sonnets by Tschernichowski, Bar-Ilan University Press. A crown of sonnets is an amazing feat of poesy. A good crown of sonnets tenfold so. Tschernichowski, that great master, was the first to revive this old European form in the Hebrew language, and probably still the best at it. (I don't know of many others who even attempted.) A whole book dedicated to one of his (two) crowns -- irresistible.
Incidentally, someone asked someone in the recent interview circle something like "whom would you go gay for?" (hmm, it was probably 'who', but I don't like that usage). Well, if it came to that, and as far as one can speculate on such things, I would probably go gay for Tschernichowski. Or Oscar Wilde, of course (with whom I would presumably stand more of a chance, seeing as ol' Tschernichowski was straight himself; but then again I wouldn't, I'm so completely not Oscar's type...) Confound it, that is a silly question!
Hebrew Book Week: Revenge of the Spoils
Shah of Shahs / Ryszard Kapuściński
Exactly 38 years ago, Khomeini returned to Iran from his exile in France, and set in motion the Islamic Revolution of Iran. A little over a year…
On Immigrants
Speaking of immigrants, Sir Ian McKellen would like to offer this passage, from the Elizabethan play Sir Thomas More: GEORGE. Marry, the removing…
Goodreads is fun; Dickens; Mortimer
I've been pretty indifferent to most of the recent social-network sites, but I'm really enjoying goodreads.com. I'm a pretty busy reader, with a…
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